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Memorable words my cousin never forgot!!!!!

I loved my cousin Alice. Actually she was my husband's cousin.

Genuinely loving, always fun...

The family was unanimous about Alice.

We all adored her!

We loved being with her!

Alice was one of three sisters and one brother, all born in Montreal.

And all married and had children in Montreal...except Alice.

Alice married a man from Burlington, moved there,

and had her children there.

Nothing changed with Alice....except one thing.

Her outward image.

No longer Montreal "svelte"

So there I was at a family gathering and made a bee line for Alice!

I was so excited.

For the first time she had Montreal "svelte"

I couldn't contain myself.

"Alice, you look smashing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The little voice in my head, knowing me all too well, cautioned,

"Good stuff, But don't go further!"

I pushed the voice aside.

"Alice you never looked so good!!!"

My inner voice practically screamed into my ear.

"Shut your stupid mouth off. Don't say another word!!!!!!!!!!"

I pushed the voice out of my head. I was on a roll. I couldn't be stopped.

and I smashed right into disaster.

"In fact, Alice, You used to look terrible!!!!"

Alice looked



What do you say to a mad woman

out of her cotton-pickin' mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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