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Be aware: Talk fast and you will eat fast. Think fast and you will drive fast.

A confession:



If i'm in a restaurant with someone, the more animated the conversation gets,

the faster i shovel food into my mouth!

I only become aware of it when a look of horror creeps up on the other person's face!


I. thought I was the only one affected by speed, but it happens to others in different ways.

Way back when, I read a snippet of a story of an orchestra conductor who got stopped for speeding.

He was horrified. Shocked. Completely befuddled.

"Officer, you won't believe this. But I wasn't aware i was speeding.

I'm an orchestra conductor. I was listening to Brahms 2nd Symphony on the car radio.

Without being aware, I was conducting the music with one hand and driving with the other.

I was so engrossed in the music, that I didn't realize that the more the music was building up

to a crashing crescendo, the faster I was driving the car!"


A crescendo - or hitting a peak - will do it every time....


Like the story of Leonard Bernstein.

The much beloved and charismatic conductor of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.

was leading the orchestra in a build up of a crescendo so powerful

that at the highest point he was so swept away, he exploded.

and burst out so loud that the entire audience heard every word...

"It's Orgasmic!!!!!!!!!!

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