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Can't stand the job? Part 2 What are the youth doing ...and the not so young? Living life to t

How would you feel if you were the parent of a daughter who announced, "Mom and Dad, I know what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to sell popsicles.!!!!"

"I love selling popsicles. It makes me happy because it makes people happy!

See all those people there? I'll bet you they don't like what they're doing the way I do.

Right now I'm selling using my friend's popsicle wagon.

I hope to go to Mexico, buy one of these popsicle wagons, and sell in a warm climate!"


Lorne Webster was way ahead of his time.

40 years ago, he was one of Montreal's richest men, having made his fortune in real estate.

His son graduated university.

Lorne put his hand on his son's shoulder, looked him straight in the eyes, and said,

"Son, I'm proud of you. I'm going to give you the biggest gift in your life.

I’m going to give you the gift of your freedom to choose your own path. I’m not going to give you a cent!”

The gift did it’s job. Lorne's son was a bicycle fanatic. Racing like crazy in every race.

Lorne’s son moved to New Brunswick, opened up a bicycle repair shop. It thrived.

And at the same time, on the weekends, Lorne’s son led bicycle groups through Nova Scotia.

Lorne' son was happy like a pig in.....

Not like his friends, who were taken into the family finance business.

Lorne's son smiles every day.

His son's friends don't.


My friend was a little bit stunned when her daughter gave her grandson

enough money to buy a little piece of land in the Dominican Republic

Her grandson built a little tea shop and he enjoyed the customers and the beach!

From there he kept moving experimenting life in other fields...

like taking a course in horticulture and growing herbs for the marketplace


Living life to the fullest is an attitude.

And it’s not just the “young.”

It works equally well for "older"

My friend came from the Dominican Republic.

He never felt chained to a full time job.

He loved his freedom to have a full life.

And he shaped his life accordingly.

Fluent in French, he earned his living by giving French lessons.

Soon he developed teaching a few groups a week,

and kept exploring all the possibilities to expand his capabilities.

At the same time he got intrigued by playing the stock market.

He read all he could about it.

One book in particular caught his attention.

He followed the instructions to a “T, ” became rich, and became a philanthropist.

Eventually when the money was gone, he still had his multiple language groups,

still kept on exploring new ways to teach French,

and still played the double base in an amateur orchestra.

But how did he manage to support his freedom without having a full time job?

By sharply cutting down his expenses.

He sold his car,

And managed to keep his lovely apartment by renting out the two bedrooms

and turning the living/dining room into his own private quarters,

All this to say:

If you apply a "work-around-the-problem" approach to living, working, and enjoying life to the fullest,

there is always a solution to satisfy the desire to live life to its fullest....if you're ready to cross the line!

Stuck in your job? Part 3 Is the Guaranteed Minimum Wage the solution?


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