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He moved in for the kill!

I was lying on the dentist chair. The dentist was looking at the X-rays.

He turned.

And suddenly I sensed something.

There was something in his eyes.

And it wasn't from something he saw in the X-rays.

The eyes said it all.

A leer

And the leer spread to his lips

A treacherous leer.

He came closer .....and closer

and suddenly i sprung up and called out

"NO FUCKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He looked surprised

Stunned for a second

But only a second

He kept moving in for the kill

In a fraction of a second I moved

i braced my arms locked together in a barrier



DON'T GO ANY FURTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He shrunk. All 6 feet of him.



His mother had caught him before he could put his the cookie jar!

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