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"I couldn't help it. It's my nature!" A fable

A spider came to the edge of a lake

He saw a beaver by the shore ready to swim across the lake.

He called out.

"Hey, Mr. Beaver. Can i get on your back while you swim.

I have to get to the other side of the pond and I can't swim."

The beaver replied.

"I know your kind. You're going to sting me and I'm going to drown."

The spider was persistent.

"Why should I do that, Because if you die, I die."

So the beaver, against his better judgment, told the spider to hop on his back and started to swim.

Half way across the lake, the spider stung the beaver.

The beaver began to sink, with the spider on his back.

With his last breath, the beaver whispered in horror to the spider,

"Why did you do that"

And as the water began to cover the spider, it replied.

"Because it's my nature!"

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