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The "Qvetching" stories revisited:

It boggles my mind . Why are people spending valuable time "QVETCHING" instead of living each moment!

"Oi, such a beautiful dayBUT TOMORROW ITS GOING TO RAIN!!!!!!!"%$^&*((){{pY*(^&#$%%#$(*^*&%R$^%#$"

"Today is my day for my Pedicure! I lOOOOVE having a pedicure!BUT MY ROTTEN SON

HE DOESN'T CALL ME ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!QWUIORW48[M,.yuuitfft&y*(_pohgtr%iop{{}ijk"

Sitting opposite to me in the bus, was this young girl with a beautiful face in a 350 lb. body.

In a a very polite voice, she was bitching to the bus driver.

I couldn't take it anymore. So I looked at her straight in the eyes and I asked her,

"Can you tell me one thing in your whole life which gave you pleasure?

Without questioning who I was and who gave me the right to ask her the question,

the young girl turned her eyes inward, and remained motionless....through 3 bus stops,

Just as we were approaching my stop, she came back from her inner world and answered my question:

"My grandmother!BUT I HATED MY MOTHERQp(*^&$*(_)*(&*^%^%#%$&^*%^#@#"



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