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New computer and new Outlook 365. From "Oi Vey" stage to "Hovering on Nervous Breakd


Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 6:28 AM Claire Bernstein <> wrote to her Computer Technical Assistant:

"Have left the"Oi Vey" stage to the "Hovering on Nervous Breakdown Stage!!!!!!

List of Problems Can I reserve 11 am today?


1. Paralysis Now Experienced on all Three Computerized whatchamecallit: I fouled up the setting of the passwords

on my new Laptop and Cell Phone! And then when i tried to reset the password of my computer to match the new passwords I had created

on laptop and cell phone, I blocked my computer as well!

2, Phone Problems: All contact with the outside world cut off"|

Callers cut off and steered immediately to leave a message

3. Hangout works............and then sometimes it doesn't.

Without Hangout I can't hear on the regular phones . But actually that's a moot point since no one can reach me anyway. Sad.

4. Bibliotheque never sent me a card. So I found out how to do it (you would be so proud of me!)and reentered application.

Still no card. Sad. Have stopped reading.

Once Biblio comes across with the card I will need to use it to operate Tablet where i would like to read ebooks

But then what does it matter. Without a password I can't operate Tablet! Sad.

5. Old Email for a friend : sympatico. ca My emails returned.

Created a new one. videotron. ca

Cancelled the old one (you would be soooo proud of me) Sad.

Old one still keeps popping up so can no longer send her an email. Sad.

6. "Type here to search." It always connects me to BING. I hate Bing. the letters are all over size. like

font size 95!

How do i make the font size normal.

7. More important. How can you get me back to "NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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