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3 - A note to her grandsons during the lockdown.

A note to my grandsons

J and E, I spoke to your mom today about you guys keeping a diary.

Like Anne Frank.

As you know, she was in lock down. In a war.

In a sense , you are too.

You are both good writers.

One day you will return to school.

I KNOW and I am POSITIVE that your teachers will ask you to write about it.

IF you keep a daily diary...sometimes just one sentence. Sometimes a few.

Or write in it at least 3-4 times a week.

How you are feeling?

What affected you most that day?

How are the adults acting around you?

What scares you?

Is there anything positive that you feel is happening?

What do you miss the most?

Why did this happen?

You must note the DATE.

This is an unprecedented situation.

Later on...and we will survive it, people will want to know how YOU were affected.

Perhaps one day you will write a story, or a book about it...maybe about a boy your age who went through Covid-19.

Your diary will be invaluable.

Do not count on your memory.

Totally different recalls.

A daily inscription is worth its weight in gold....

in a few years YOU will be able read back on it, should you wish.

Never throw it out.

You never know when you might want to go back.

Maybe one day you can share this with your own kids.

Please write your thoughts down.

They are private.

Love you both,


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