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Once upon a time I had a garden made in heaven.

It was first conceptualized by Jocelyn Lussier of Topia,

when he was just at the beginning of his rise to becoming Montreal's top landscape architect i

And then it was taken over by Marika Rakosi who applied her own inimitable stamp of genius,

combining great design breadth and depth with impish delight!

Then slowly the garden eroded.

Heavy shade, combined with

an owner who was not to the garden- manner born.

And the worst enemy of all: the squirrels.

They dug and bit into every living thing in the garden

until they won.

I was beaten into submission by the squirrels!

They destroyed anything that lived in the garden.

I was desperate.

The greyness of the garden, the bareness of the garden, was a sight to run away from!

So I asked Paul, my genius of an homme a tout faire, to bring up the cache of treasures in the basement.

And there they were,

A Marika collection of WHIMSY!

The birds, the fish, the frog, the 6 pink and yellow birds, the hammock....

and a collection of faux flowers!


Le Voila!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A new kind of garden was born

The Whimsical Garden!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not that we didn't have plans to introduce real flowers.

But it was a nightmare trying to reach the pepinieres

and then a nightmare paying their prices inflated 5 times.

"So now, Marika, you can't escape it.

Without knowing it, you have made possible....

The Creation of the Whimsical Garden!!!!!!!!!!"


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