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"Grandma Claire, you look pretty good for 80!"

I had come to pick up my 8 year old grandson Liam at his school.

I waited at the bottom of the school stairs.

He was in the midst of an animated conversation with his friend.

I saw he had noticed me through the corner of his eye,

but he ignored my existence and continued to talk with his friend.

Suddenly, he swooped down the outside stairs, and dashed in front of me,

"Grandma Claire, how old are you?|

"80, Liam"

As quickly as he swooped down the outside stairs,

Liam dashed for the stairs and swooped up to rejoin his friend.

They resumed their animated conversation.

In a few minutes, it was over and Liam ran down to join me for the walk to the bus

And his weekly visit chez moi.

"Liam, before we leave, tell me, why did you ask my age?"

"Me and my friend were talking about that you looked real good for 80!"

I didn't let him off the hook. I took advantage of an opening.

"Liam, are you worried about my dying?"

He hung his head low.

He spoke. I could hardly hear him.

"Yes, Grandma Claire."

"Liam, when I die, you will probably be 25, married, and with a baby.

You will be sad, but the sadness will go away,

Because my voice will always be inside you,

Just like my Auntie Beckie's voice is inside me!

And anytime you want to pass something by me,

My voice will be there for you....for as long as you live!!!!"

Hand in hand we walked to the bus stop.

And on the way, I felt something different.

He had given my hand a gentle squeeze.


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