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Liam my Grandson, the Deal Maker. How he learnt to whine Jewish Style!

We were walking on our day together. my grandson Liam and I, way back when, when he was 5 years old.

Suddenly he came up with an idea.

"Let's go bowling!"

I cringed. It was a beautiful day and there's no way i wanted to be stuck in the deep dark underground of a bowling alley.

Liam whined. "I want to go. I want to GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

i stopped dead in my tracks. And let him have it.

"Hold it a second, Liam. If we're going to be together, then each one of us has to be fair.

And fair means that both of us have to agree on where we want to go.

I don't want to go bowling. Can you come up with something that both of us will enjoy?"

Liam stopped dead in his tracks.

You could see he was deep in thought.

He was taking this fairness very seriously.

Then suddenly his face lit up.

"What about if we went to McDonald's play center?"

I jumped on the suggestion.

"Great idea! Let's go!"

Liam had a big grin on his face.

Both of us were happy deal makers!

The next week we were together at Beaver Lake, we had to face another deal-making crossroad.

I have to admit I am not perfect.

And one of my imperfections is that I swear like a trouper.

Liam looked at me with disapproval.

"If I say the "F"word, I get punished!"

Perfect time to make a deal.

"Liam, let's make a deal.

I will stop using the "F" word

if you say "please" and "thank you!"

Deal struck.

Both kept our part of the deal.....until................

We were driving home,

Suddenly a car swerved in front of me.

I didn't think twice. I let him have it.

"FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!

At that moment I looked in the rear mirror.


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