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Finding one's passion in work. "Pain, suffering and my mother's unshaken belief in me p

He was born into a distinguished family.

His grandfather was the founding Dean of Law at UBC.

His uncles were lawyers.

His mother ran a successful company.

But he had inherited genes: His father's anxiety and his mother's dyslexia.

It interfered with his learning at school.

"He's dumb!"

His mother never stopped believing in him,

paying for pedagogical developmental support

and hiring tutors.

His mother's belief in him stayed with him all his life, as he struggled through adolescence and young


Janitor, Doorman, Dishwasher...

But he never stopped learning.

His mother's unshakable belief paid off.

He discovered his passion!

He found the area where he could excel.

And flourish.


Dyslexia created trouble in writing and spelling?

Big fat deal!

He had that "something" that paved his way to his success

A passion developed by his years of struggle to overcome.

He now helps older clients who weren't born with computers.

He can identify with their struggles.

His brilliance in finding "work-around" solutions is married to a lifetime of being behind the 8-ball.

He has the unique capacity to explain the complexities of the computer with the patience of Job -

Especially to the distressed and panicky minds of the elders who feel stupid.

A capacity that life taught him well.

With the patience of Job!discover it early in life. And some develop it in a life of meandering...until....!discover it early in life. And some develop it in a life of meandering...until....!

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