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"The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost!"

When my husband and i went skiing up north, he headed straight for the hills.

I needed some time to adjust.

So I headed straight for the chalet at the bottom of the hills for a cup of coffee.

That Saturday I sat down in front of a gorgeous young man wearing a great smile

and a ribbed turtle neck sweater.

We started chatting.

And suddenly I realized I was in front of a Jesuit priest who was a counselor at

College Brebeuf in Montreal.

How did I know? Simple. Every sentence he uttered started with,

"The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost!"

I froze.

We didn't speak the same language. How were we going to communicate?

But then a little voice entered my head.

"C'mon, every group has a "Catch" phrase.

Remember at law school, one of the french students asked you,

'Why are the English so concerned about their health? They're always saying, '"Take Care!"

And remember your mother? Her "Catch" phrase was always, "God be Willing!"

So loosen up and enjoy the interaction!"

I listened very carefully to my little voice.

And i figured out the secret of how a Jew could carry on a conversation with a Jesuit Priest:

Use the same "Catch" phrase!

After all, what is the truth? Underneath the "Catch" phrases we all speak the same language.

So I listened with great interest to what Jesuit Priest was saying underneath.

He was recounting the life and difficulties of the students at College Brebeuf.

And then I responded by sharing my experiences

but under the same phrase, "The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost!"

The conversation was so engrossing that I had to drag myself away

to put on my skis and join my husband on the slopes!

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