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"Don't just give me the facts! Give me the feelings behind the facts!"

David Lewis was the CEO of Mcdonnell Douglas,

the first American company to put a monkey into space.

The rocket returned to earth with the monkey intact.

David Lewis gave his orders. “I want to know how the monkey felt.”

His staff rushed to bring him the stats - the neuro stats, the blood stats….all the stats!

David Lewis brushed the stats away.

“The stats tell me nothing about how the monkey felt while he was in space.

Bring me the monkey!”

Hand in hand, the monkey and David Lewis walked down to the rocket.

The monkey took one look at the rocket, gave a blood-curdling shriek,

And in a crazed frenzy dashed for the door.

David Lewis got exactly what he wanted.

“Now I know how the monkey felt!”

How many of us do a "David Lewis" and demand to know the 'feeling' behind the facts?

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