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Auntie Becky's magic...the essence of being human!

My auntie Becky was the most important person in my life. She was my mentor.

She always looked at anything that happened with a 'glow'.

A magical glow.

“It’s all for the best.”

She needed it to survive my Uncle Stanley.

Always grumpy. Always complaining.

But as much as he tried, he could never destroy her magical glow.

She had no children. So all the cousins were brought up under this magical glow.

And it shaped us.

And remarkably, it had an amazing effect on everyone else with whom she came in contact.

Waiting for a taxi at the New York airport, she encountered a group of black teenagers.

'The team' got its money hustling for taxis for travelers.

And then holding their hands out for the expected tips.

Uncle Stanley gave them a tip.

And my Auntie Becky? She gave them each a chocolate bar!

The next year Becky and Stanley hit the same airport, but this time in a blinding snow storm.

Out they came to get a taxi. And there was the same team hustling.

One of them recognized her.

"Hey guys, look whose here. AUNTIE BECKY!"

The team sprung into action. 5 kids 'hit the pavement,' hustling for practically non-existent taxis.

All for one customer... AUNTIE BECKY!

Auntie Becky never had children of her own, But the Auntie Becky essence became a part of all her nieces and nephews. Including interacting with bus drivers!

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