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A Mother who would do anything for her son......ANYTHING?????????????

“See you later, Mom…!” Jeremy headed for the door.

“Do you need a lift?” Mary asked.

“No thanks.”

“Where are you going? Maybe it’s on my way.”

“The bank.”

“To deposit your birthday check? I can do it for you.”

“I uh...I’m making a withdrawal.”

“Let me drop you off at the ATM, then.”

Jeremy tensed. “I want to go to the downtown branch. It’s a very big withdrawal.”

Mary laughed. “How big can it be? You have 47$ in your account!”

“Stop treating me like a child! I have adult business to do.”

“What kind of business?”



“Okay, I’ll tell you! I’m robbing the bank. Happy now?”

His mother was stunned. “You’re kidding.”


“That’s what you call adult business!?” Mary screamed.

“Did you ever hear of a child bank robber?” Jeremy stormed off.

“I won’t allow you to throw your life away!!”

“It’s my life to throw away. I’m meeting Craig downtown.”

“CRAIG? That’s your choice of crime partner? He barely made it past high school.”

“He’s highly underrated,” Jeremy insisted.

“Okay, fine.”


“So…do you want a lift?” Mary asked.

“To my bank robbery?”

“I’m not going to sit here and worry about you.”

3 hours later

Mary waited anxiously in the car as Jeremy robbed the bank.

Jeremy soon reappeared. “Okay, it’s done!”

“Good. I almost had a heart attack waiting here. Let’s go home.”

They were soon surrounded by cop cars.

“You’re both under arrest!” the cop said gruffly.

Mary balked. “I was just giving him a lift!”

“And that’s called being an accessory!”


Mary tried to explain. “I was just trying to keep my son from harm.”

The prosecutor balked. “By driving him to a bank heist?!”

Mary continued, “If you were a mother, you’d understand.

I couldn’t stop him from going but at least I could stop him from getting into big trouble.”

“Stealing money and shooting a guard IS big trouble!”

“Exactly, who knows how much worse it could have been!” Mary said.

Is Mary guilty? You! Be The Judge. Then look below for the decision.


“Three years in prison, mom,” held the Judge. “You may have been genuinely concerned but driving your son to a bank heist is a crime. Next time, let him take the bus.”

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